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The sub-committees work alongside the executive committee to better represent and support the students as well as to offer them fun and enriching activities. 

Don't stop whenyou're tired_ (1).webp

Ongoing Professional Development Day

This committee is in charge of organizing the SPEAQ on Campus that happens in February every year. The SPEAQ on Campus is an event during which professionals present a series of workshops about ESL teaching. The committee have to choose the presenters, sell tickets and plan the lunch and wine and cheese.


Social Squad

The social squad is in charge of organizing all the social and sportive events of the APEAL throughout the year. Their goal is to bring the members of the APEAL together to ensure that they have a good time during their academic career.

Rooftop Party
Support Group Circle


This committee is in charge of the integration of the new students for the following term. There is one president of the committee and he or she must be a first year that will be a second year during the integration. Their committee does not have a limitative number of members.


The graduation committee is in charge of the organisation and funding of the end of the program prom party and the graduation pictures.


Program Committee

The B-ALS program committee has to meet with the program's teachers once every semester to discuss various aspect of the program that can be improved. The committee is in charge of representing all the B-ALS students and to communicate their opinions and concerns. A survey has to be elaborated by the program committee once or twice a year. Any comments or ideas for improvement for the B-ALS program should be communicated to the program committee.

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